Sweater Accessories with Gloves Set 1
After creating my Fashionable Coats, I knew I needed something under the rather revealing coat to make it a little more realistic for cold weather wear. I found several versions of a knit turtleneck sweater accessory that can be worn under any clothing but none of them included gloves. Since the sweater accessories are categorized as gloves, you can’t add other gloves to go with them! So, I chose the best sweater accessories of those that I had found and retextured them to not only have a realistic knit but also ACTUAL GLOVES. You can see in the main image on my Fashionable Coats page how they look under a coat on a Sim.
Where to Find:
While in CAS: look in clothing Accessories specifically in the Gloves section. Make sure you download the necessary mesh via the link listed below!
More Previews:
How to Install:
Mesh or Pack Required:
Current Version:
March 08, 2024 – Initial release of this CC set.
Please choose one site below to download from (the choice is yours, but they all host the same exact files). Don’t worry, NO ADFLY or anything else like it! Just click a download button of the server of your choice and enjoy your new content! Servers currently include direct from Simularity or through Google Drive. If you have any troubles downloading, please contact me.
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