Longer Crystal Charge & More
Tired of crystals taking most of the night to charge only for that charge to last only two short days?? Well, be tired of it no more! This mod changes it so that all crystals which are fully charged will stay fully charged for a total of 14 days! They take no extra time to charge, still standard times. The charge just lasts much longer. I have also created an alternate to this mod that will keep a crystal charged for 7 days.
I am also including a bonus mod which was requested while I was figuring this mod out. The bonus mod changes the Charged Jet crystal’s power of summoning the Grim Reaper so that it no longer drains the crystal after each use. Now you can infinitely summon the Grim Reaper as long as your crystal still has some charge. What I mean: First use of the crystal will drain it from 14 days to 7 days of charge. After that, as long as you don’t wait 7 more days, you can keep summoning the Reaper until those days are up. I managed to summon him 5 times with a single crystal charge during my test runs.
The newest addition to this mod set is an interaction that will instantly charge any crystal or jewelry. Your Sim must have the new “Attuned Trait” from Crystal Creations SP. Then, drag any crystal or jewelry out of your inventory (I just put them on the ground) then click them. The option to “Charge Crystal” should then be available.
How to Install:
Current Version:
August 25, 2024 – Added Polish translation to the Instant Crystal Charge mod thanks to Nenusia.
If you have suggestions for how to improve this mod, please contact me.
If you need help with this mod, please join me on the Simularity Discord server. You can start a new thread in the Simularity Help Channel or post in the General Discussion server but remember to make sure I see it there by tagging it with @Simularity-Lizzie. You can also just send me an email via my Contact form.
Russian by VitaVP,
Polish by Nenusia.
Would you like to contribute a translation of this mod? Feel free to contact me for instructions on how to submit it to me. Thank you!
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