Lifelike Eyes for Horses
Like in my other sets, I used photos of real eyes to create all of these new eye colors. Each eye color has a unique iris texture rather than copies of the same one recolored. These are “Default Replacements” so they will override the default eye colors for horses in your game. You can only use one default replacement set at a time for horses.
Where to Find:
These eye colors for horses will override the default eye colors. So, just select eye colors for your horses as you would before, and they will have the new eye textures. At least they should… you can only have one default eye color override for horses in your Mods folder at a time. If you already have one, you’ll have to take it out to see this one take effect.
More Previews:
How to Install:
Mesh or Pack Required:
Current Version:
July 30, 2023 – Initial release of this CC set.
Please choose one site below to download from (the choice is yours, but they all host the same exact files). Don’t worry, NO ADFLY or anything else like it! Just click a download button of the server of your choice and enjoy your new content! Servers currently include direct from Simularity or through Google Drive. If you have any troubles downloading, please contact me.
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