Here is a list of my most frequently asked questions which will be updated as needed. Feel free to contact me if your question is not answered here. (Click on a question below to see the answer appear.)
Last Updated: February 22, 2024
You can contact me via my contact form on this site or leave me a message on my Discord server with your request. I will try my best to fulfill your request. I can’t promise to fulfill every request (not all are possible) but I can promise to try my best. Also I must add that patrons of mine from Patreon and Ko-fi get top priority on my to do list.
My EA ID is SimularitySims. I’m not exactly anti-social, I’m just not very talkative so… don’t expect much from me. LOL
For modding I use several programs including Notepad++, WinMerge, Sims 4 Studio, Python, and Zerbu’s Mod Constructor, TDESC Browser, and others.
For custom content I use Photoshop, Sims 4 Studio, and others.
Of course you can and I’d be very grateful! Send me a message via this form and ask me for my email address. I’ll email you back and you can send me the strings file with the translations for the mod. Or, upload the strings to any file sharing site and paste the URL into the form’s message box so I can download it and add it to the mod. Thank you! Oh, be sure to include a name or username of yours so I can give you credit as well!
As of 2022, nope. I did have it, but it became too much of a hassle so I deleted all that stuff and reinstalled the Sims 4 to work without it. Most of my custom content is HQ compatible though so it will work for both those who have the HQ mod and those who don’t have the HQ mod.
You can either ask me via my email form or via my Discord server. I answer both as quickly as I can. The Discord server is still fairly quiet so you can get an answer pretty quick that way. Just be sure to @ me to make sure I see it. I am @Simularity-Lizzie
I’m still learning more every day myself. I am planning to write a few tutorials and such to add to my Articles section. Other than that, there are countless tutorials already on Youtube (just do a keyword search). Be sure to check out the online manual for Sims 4 Studio to learn how to use that specific program which does basically everything you need. Well, most things.
Most if not all of my clothing CC are recolors. You will need the original mesh for each recolor. Be sure to read the instructions on each download page (I write that stuff for a reason!)
It most likely due to a mod conflict. Follow my instructions on the following article to find and take care of mod conflicts: Find & Delete Conflicting Mods & CC. You can also always contact me on my Discord server or contact me for more help but please try following the aforementioned article first.
If you need more than what’s on this page, please see my article Troubleshooting Mods, CC, & Lots for tips. You can also contact me on my Discord server or Contact me.