Bipolar is, according to the DSM-5, a group of brain disorders that cause extreme fluctuation in a person’s mood, energy, and ability to function. There are actually at least three types of bipolar disorders (Bipolar I, Bipolar II, and Cyclothymic disorder) but this particular trait would fall under the diagnosis of Bipolar I. People who live with bipolar disorder experience periods of great excitement, overactivity, delusions, and euphoria (known as mania) and other periods of feeling sad and hopeless (known as depression). As such, the use of the word bipolar reflects this fluctuation between extreme highs and extreme lows. I created this trait based on my own experiences with Bipolar I along with some considerable studying of other sources. My goal is neither to glorify nor to demean those with mental illness like myself. I wish only to educate and give those without such an illness a view into the world of what it’s like for those who do have this illness and illnesses like it.
Please keep in mind that there are still game limitations to consider, so it’s not intended to be a perfect representation of bipolar disorder. Still, this can give you a taste of what it’s like.