Faster Holiday Tree Decorating
Do your Sims love to celebrate the winter holidays from the Seasons Expansion Pack but you hate having to wait countless hours for them to decorate that holiday tree which may then shoot up in flames as soon as they’re finished? Well, now at least you don’t have to wait so long for the decorating part! This tuning mod cuts down the decorating time to about a 1/4 of what it was before so now it’s actually a reasonable amount of time. (I certainly don’t take hours to decorate a tree.) This mod doesn’t affect whether your tree will burst into flames once your Sims finish decorating but if I get requests, I could do that mod too. As for now, Happy Holidays!
How to Use In-Game:
How to Install:
Current Version:
February 22, 2024 – Updated for the latest patches and packs. Also added a progress bar/circle so you know how much longer the decorating is going to take.
If you have suggestions for how to improve this mod, please contact me.
If you need help with this mod, please join me on the Simularity Discord server. You can start a new thread in the Simularity Help Channel or post in the General Discussion server but remember to make sure I see it there by tagging it with @Simularity-Lizzie. You can also just send me an email via my Contact form.
None needed.
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