Re-Sorted Vacuums
Originally, the vacuums from the Bust the Dust Kit were categorized in “Misc. Appliances” in the Buy Mode which made them hard to find, especially since many food mods also put all their stuff in the Misc. Appliances sort. This mod re-sorts the upright vacuums into the same category as Indoor Trash Cans, so they are now super easy to find. I would have sorted hand-held vacuums too but that kept causing an LE error. I’ll keep trying and update this mod when I can. Until then, enjoy your re-sorted upright vacuums!
How to Use In-Game:
How to Install:
Current Version:
March 06, 2024 – Initial release of this mod.
If you have suggestions for how to improve this mod, please contact me.
If you need help with this mod, please join me on the Simularity Discord server. You can start a new thread in the Simularity Help Channel or post in the General Discussion server but remember to make sure I see it there by tagging it with @Simularity-Lizzie. You can also just send me an email via my Contact form.
None needed.
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