Faster Holiday Tree Decorating
Tired of it taking forever to decorate that Seasons holiday tree in the Sims 4? Now your Sims will decorate it in a 1/4 the time it took before with this mod!
Tired of it taking forever to decorate that Seasons holiday tree in the Sims 4? Now your Sims will decorate it in a 1/4 the time it took before with this mod!
Do you have trouble noticing when your Sim is starting to get too hot or too cold, but you miss seeing that little buff icon that tells you that? With this mod, your Sim will react to the temperature much sooner and a notification will pop up to let you know they need to seek relief.
A set of new holiday traditions inspired by (and requiring) the Snowy Escape Expansion Pack.
A collection of new holiday traditions from a variety of packs that add up to one spectacular night out!
This trait, in a respectful way, gives your Sims Seasonal Affective Disorder (or SAD) which is a type of depression brought on by the change of seasons. Also available as a reward trait.