Fearful Trait
A new personality trait for your Sims that will make your Sim scared of *almost* everything. It’s an even more fun trait to play with than it sounds and has great storytelling value!
A new personality trait for your Sims that will make your Sim scared of *almost* everything. It’s an even more fun trait to play with than it sounds and has great storytelling value!
Farm livin’ is the life for me! The chores! The fresh air! These Sims love the farming life of plants, livestock, chores, outdoors and more!
Having trouble raising horses? Want them to learn skills faster? Now you can add this trait to your horses and all will be well.
This trait is for elders only and is respectfully inspired by the affliction of dementia, which is a group of symptoms that affects memory, thinking and interferes with daily life.
This trait is for the Sims who love arts and crafts such as knitting, cross-stich, and flower arranging and want to have fun doing these activities.
Sims with this trait are born to be entertainers with a talent for telling the best jokes. Be warned that they NEED to entertain others, or darker thoughts will creep in.
This mental health trait attempts to simulate clinical depression in your Sims with various mood buffs and effects that come from my personal research.
A bipolar trait for the Sims 4 I created based on my personal experiences and countless hours of researching other sources.
This trait will give your Sim a true artistic personality and make them a master painter in no time with other benefits and perhaps some drawbacks as well.
A custom agoraphobia trait for the Sims 4 which I created and based on my own experiences.