Seasonal Affective Disorder Trait
Here we have another mental health trait that I’ve been working on for a while as I, once again, have personal experience with the ailment on which this trait is based. This trait is crafted to try to, respectfully, mimic Seasonal Affective Disorder (also known as SAD). It’s a type of depression linked to the change in seasons. It’s thought to be due to the lack of sunlight in the winter seasons but that hasn’t exactly been proven as the depression can affect in both winter and summer but in very different ways. If one has bipolar disorder (raises hand) it can have other seasonal effects like a summer-induced mania episode. I also created a “reward trait” version of this trait so you can add it to your Sim without taking up one of the main and few personality trait slots. As this trait is based on seasonal changes, I suppose it’s rather obvious that this trait requires the Seasons EP.
How to Use In-Game:
How to Install:
Current Version:
March 24, 2024 – Added Polish translation.
If you have suggestions for how to improve this mod, please contact me.
If you need help with this mod, please join me on the Simularity Discord server. You can start a new thread in the Simularity Help Channel or post in the General Discussion server but remember to make sure I see it there by tagging it with @Simularity-Lizzie. You can also just send me an email via my Contact form.
Russian by the Origamika Group,
Polish by Nenusia.
Would you like to contribute a translation of this mod? Feel free to contact me for instructions on how to submit it to me. Thank you!
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