Fabrication Custom Preference
Once I finally figured out how to create my own custom preference mods, I couldn’t stop myself from creating more! Plus, I had ideas for more and I wanted to create them before I forgot how exactly I did this. LOL Here we have my second like/dislike preference mod which is all about Fabrication on the good ole Fabricator from Eco Lifestyle Expansion Pack (which is required for this preference to work!) You can either choose to like or dislike fabrication in the selection menu in CAS or try to do some fabricating and then there will be a popup asking if your Sim should declare if they like or dislike fabrication (they’ll want to like it if they’re in a good mood, dislike it if they’re in a bad mood). This new preference can even be randomly attributed to NPC Sims!
- Like or Dislike can be triggered by using the Fabricator
- Sims who “Like” fabrication get a positive buff while using the Fabricator
- Sims who “Dislike” fabrication will get a negative buff while using the Fabricator
Current Version:
v1.8 – 07/26/2024 – Updated to fix icons that were broken by a previous patch.
If you have suggestions for how to improve this mod, please contact me.
If you need help with this mod, please join me on the Simularity Discord server. You can start a new thread in the Simularity Help Channel or post in the General Discussion server but remember to make sure I see it there by tagging it with @Simularity-Lizzie. You can also just send me an email via my Contact form.
Russian by Ser Kisyan of the Origamika group,
Spanish by MashyLatte,
Chinese by Licer.
Would you like to contribute a translation of this mod? Feel free to contact me for instructions on how to submit it to me. Thank you!
Please choose one site below to download from (the choice is yours, but they all host the same exact files). Don’t worry, NO ADFLY or anything else like it! Just click a download button of the server of your choice and enjoy your new content! Servers currently include direct from Simularity or through Google Drive. If you have any troubles downloading, please contact me.
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