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  1. Karolina Schmitz
    August 9, 2022 @ 5:11 am

    Hey Lizzie, I love this happy go lucky dog trait, it keeps my doggos and Sim dog parents happy 🙂
    When I redownloaded for this new patch, the simularity-traitdog-happygolucky text files within the download say that the newest version of this trait mod is from 2022, but the actual package files next to the text file are both still old from 2021. Could it be that they accidentally did not get replaced on the google drive? I also tried the other download buttons, but all of them have the same older files.
    Thanks a lot in advance!!


    • Lizzie P.
      August 9, 2022 @ 10:42 pm

      I checked all my files in all places and the newest version that I have and have been using is from 11/21 so I have no idea why the text file says 3/22. It’s a complete mystery to me! The mod files in the zip (11/21) do have my last updates in it so I don’t know why at all the 3/22 date is in the text file. I just double checked the mod and it’s still the working version. Sorry for the confusion (I confused myself too!).
      TL;DR The version you downloaded is the latest version and the text file is wrong. Sorry!


      • Karolina Schmitz
        August 11, 2022 @ 3:15 am

        Yay, thank you so much, Lizzie!! Very appreciate it <3 <3


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