Plopsy Seller Part-Time Job
My first part-time job mod and my first job mod with work from home options! The idea of the Plopsy Seller Part-Time Job is to help you earn a small regular income while you knit, list, ship, and sell your homemade creations like you were going to do anyway but now you’re employed! The hours are short and the pay is low, but the job’s goals are stuff you were going to do anyway so it’s cool. The bulk of your money will be made by selling stuff on Plopsy but the extra income from the part-time job helps for when listings are not selling too well.
- There are three levels in this part-time job
- Includes the ability to work from home with various crafter-related assignments or go to work (rabbit hole)
- Sims with the following traits do better in this career: Creative, Maker, Homemaker, and Crafter
- This part-time job is for Young Adults, Adults, and Elders
- Now has work from home assignments for the following crafts: Knitting, Cross-Stitch, Woodworking, Painting, Flower Arranging, Nectar Making, and icemunmun’s Soap Making.
Current Version:
v2.21 – 08/24/2024 – Added brand-new sets of “work from home” tasks that include a wide variety of new crafts that count towards the career goals. NOTE: To be able to submit Woodworking Items and Nectar Bottles to Plopsy, you will need this mod from LittleMsSam: LMS More Plopsy Items.
If you have suggestions for how to improve this mod, please contact me.
If you need help with this mod, please join me on the Simularity Discord server. You can start a new thread in the Simularity Help Channel or post in the General Discussion server but remember to make sure I see it there by tagging it with @Simularity-Lizzie. You can also just send me an email via my Contact form.
Polish by Nenusia,
Russian by Origamika Group.
Would you like to contribute a translation of this mod? Feel free to contact me for instructions on how to submit it to me. Thank you!
Please choose one site below to download from (the choice is yours, but they all host the same exact files). Don’t worry, NO ADFLY or anything else like it! Just click a download button of the server of your choice and enjoy your new content! Servers currently include direct from Simularity or through Google Drive. If you have any troubles downloading, please contact me.
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November 12, 2022 @ 9:41 pm
Thank you very much!!!It can not only work in my lower version,but also automaticly translate!!AMAZING!!!
March 22, 2023 @ 12:55 pm
so, the description of this page says that there’s no more .ts4script file for this mod, but the download still includes one. what should I do?
Lizzie P.
March 22, 2023 @ 10:41 pm
I checked and apparently I forgot to delete the ts4script from the zip file. I’m sorry about that. Please delete the ts4script as it’s no longer needed. I’ll update the zip files. Thank you for letting me know!